Hello! Thank you for visiting my page!
My name is Lenta Markevich. I grew up in the middle of Central Asia and after graduating from high school, I moved to Prague to get my BcA degree. After a couple of years of making my career I decided to give myself up to oil painting.
I am a lady painter, who is going for self-expression, and trying to communicate love and beauty.
My artworks are the reflection of what is interesting particularly me. The main topic of my paintings are flowers, because it is an absolutely free beauty, even when they are dying. Other things touches me in a different way, but I am always trying to transform my ideas in physical context and to be honest in my expression.
Now I live in Prague with my husband and my dog Vinnie. I work full time in my studio in the middle of old Vrsovice, where you can always find me!
Lenta Markevich